Professional Quality and commitment to Safety
True North's professionalism is very important when it comes to quality and safety on commercial work. Every installer is fall safe certified and each elevated platform operator is licensed.
You can rest easy knowing our safety policies meet all required standards.
Our commercial team leaders have over 5 years of experience on large projects. Every project has at least one First Aid certified team member.
Traffic permits, traffic safety, pedestrian safety and control are all managed professionaly. Control zones are created for safety by our teams using proper signage in combination with high visibility pylons and barriers.
We are proficient in the use of picker trucks and man-lifts to safely access areas of building otherwise not accessible. Our commercial crews are available for evening and late night shifts in order to not work while retail malls or offices are busy. We are also conscious of guest comfort when it comes to installing on hotels.

We safely take care of high elevation installs
Our International DuraStar 4300 truck with Terex Hi-Ranger Aerial Lift will safely take care of high elevation installs. The truck is equipped with all necessary equipment to create safety zones and ensure proper traffic control.
Our bucket truck operators have the required elevated platform operator licence and over 5 years of commercial work experience.